Go ahead, have that ice cream
I love fitness and ice cream.
So can you.
In honor of National Ice Cream Day
on July 18
A lot of my athletes are surprised by how much I love ice cream. Somehow ice cream has gotten this bad rap of being antithetical to fitness, so much so that there are now protein ice creams and keto ice creams. I say, go ahead, have that ice cream--the real kind.
Fitness is meant to get people to a place where they can enjoy their best lives. Part of living well is having a healthy relationship to food, not an obsessive one. In my book, having treats is not only okay, it's recommended.
I actually think fitness is kind of just like ice cream. There are many different formats (HIIT, CrossFit, boot camps, weight training, running, cycling, pilates, etc. vs. pints, dots, soft-serve, pops, cones, cups, etc.) and flavors (cardio, legs, upper body, etc. vs vanilla, chocolate, rocky road, cookies and cream, etc.). You may want to switch it up to keep things interesting. And you have both in moderation: just as too much ice cream can lead to health problems, too much training can lead to injuries and burnout.
What good is training if you can't guiltlessly enjoy a little bit of ice cream from time to time? Next time you have a big win at the gym, why not celebrate with a little bit of ice cream? Let me know what your favorite ice creams are so I can add them to my list!
See you out there,